ISOLATION AND REDISCOVERY: 8-hour online workshop
ISOLATION AND REDISCOVERY: 8-hour online workshop
An 8-hour course consisting of four 2-hour workshops. Engage in yoga practices that support you to abide in the unknown, and in the processes of destruction and creation. Expect grounding sequences of meditation, breathwork and gentle movement as well as guided journaling and wisdom rooted in classical Indian and Tibetan Yoga. Update, refine, and connect with your svadharma, the Sanskrit word for your unique life’s purpose. Create a meaningful and purpose filled life.
The practices in this course will support you through a four-step process of transformation, including:
1) The Unraveling: Destruction/Shiva
2) The Silence: Emptiness/Shunyata
3) the Unknown: Being/Shanti
4) Silence Speaks: Creation/Shakti
Payment may take place on this page through credit card. Payment may also be sent through venmo @ Reema-Datta or paypal ( A link to the class will be sent upon payment.